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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Meaning of biodiversity

Bio-diversity of a location is the existance of organism and species ofliving being per square unit area.It can be defined as the measure of variety of earth's animals,plants and microbe species of genetics difference within speciesand of ecoystem.It indicates the total living heritages of the earth and their status as well as difference,or the system and structure of living beings in the nature.Biodiversity are of three types,they are as follows:
(1)Species:Different species as fauna and vegetation like man,elephant,birds,maize,wheat,pulse,patotes,etc can be taken under species.Species of bacteriaand virus also come under it.
(2)Ecosystem:The ecosystem means the habitat of living beings.Organisms pass their life according to their capacity and favourability.There is a biodiversity due to the structure of ecosystem.
(3)Genes:Genes control physical characteristicts,growth,survival and development.They changes and reproduce themselves.They are passed on from one generation to another.It is because of genes that the organisms living living in mountain have the capacity to bear more cold &the organism of terai have the capacity to bear the beat.

Need for conservation

(1)Protect the existence of living beings.
(2)Conserve the sustainability of resources.
(3)Promote the natural scenic beauty.
(4)Maintain a balance in natural process.
(5)Help economic and social development.
(6)Area of study and Research.

Importance of biodiversity

(1)Agricultural product.
(2)Vegetative product.
(3)Animal product.
(4)Improvement of breed.
(5)Soil conservation.
(6)Watershed conservation.
(7)Natural beauty and senes.
(8)Development of Tourism.
(9)Economic development .
(10)Environmental balance .
(11)Function of natural ecosystem.
(12)Study & Research.
(13)Production of Domestic Resources.
(14)Natural Resources.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rare Animals and Birds

Different organisms,birds and animals are taken as rare found in different places of our country.Clouded Leopard,Red Panda,Bengal Tiger,Rhinocerres,Elephant,Musk Dear,Gaint Pied Hornbill,Crane,Cobra,Gharial,Wild Buffalo,Gaur,Swamp,Dear,Assamese Monkey,Salak,Azinger,Leopard,etc are taken as bird and animals.
Among them some are explained below:

Asiatic rock python is one of the largest non poisonous snake.It is found in the dense forest and grassland of Terai region of Nepal.Its eye are small yellow eye lid.The body is of white,black &dark patches.It is around 7 metres long with approximately 90 kg weight.Expensive belts and bags can be made from its skin.Tempted by this reason people hunt this reptile.Besides ,it is killed by forest fire to destruct it with the belief that it is a poisonos snake.It is protected snake by Nepal.
Rock Python
(2 ) Bengal Tiger
It is found in the jungle of terai region of Nepal.This is a conserved mammal of Nepal.It is found in Chitwan National Park,Parsa Wildlife Reserve& Suklaphat Wildlife Reserve.It is found in the dense forests,grassy land where there is plenty of water.It is the largest variety of wild cats.There are black stripes vertically lied on its body.It is carnivorous animal eating upon sptted deer.wild boar,goar,swamp deer etc.It gives 2-6 cubs in one time.It is endangered in Nepal due to the lack of habitate,mobility area food and over poaching.

(3)Gaint Pied Hornbill

The Gaint Pied Hornbill is of two types:big and small.The big Gaint Pied Hornbill is found in the forest of Terai region.People hunt it for meat and medicine Its bone and hund is used to make medicine.It number has been reducing due to destruction of Terai forest.This bird is declared as the protected bird because it has reached the vanishing stage.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Rare plant

Golden Michelia

Different natural calamities like earthquake,volcano,flood,landslide,etc affect adversely the present
status of plant.Similarly,there is declination in plants due to people's interference,commercialisation and
excessive use.De to this reason number of some plants is in danger.Golden Michelia,Spike Nard,Yarsagumba (cordyceps).
The discription about this plants are given below:
(1)Golden Michelia (champ)
The golden michelia is a rare plant.The stem of this tree is smooth and ash coloured.It is a beautiful
tree which looks green all the years around.It is available in mid-hill.It is also found in terai at the altitude of 600
to 1500metres.The two species of golden michelia namely,big and small is found in Nepal.The flowers of golden michelia is light yellow & golden.This flowers gives sweet smell.The height of this tree is 30 metres.Good
furniture can be made with its wood.Oil can be substracted from its flowers.Such oil is used for the treatment
of eye and gout.Its bark isused for medicine.The telling and exporting of this tree is prohibited.
(2)Spike Nard
It is a small fruit with perfume.It is taken as a rare plants. It is seen sporadically living at the altitude
of 3000 to5000 metres of high mountain region of northen part of Nepal.Its flower is light pink and white in
colour.Perfume oil can is used in Ayurvedic medicine.Its oil is used to make the medicine for cholera,epilepsy
and heart diseases.It is prohibited for export out of the country.
Itis found in meadows of himalayan region around 5000metre from sea level.It is found in form of
of catapillar during the winter & in the form of a fungus which has scientfic name Cordyceps Sinensis (yarsagumba).it does not have any leaves,roots \\\\7 stem.It is said that is act as natural vigra if it is eaten with milk and honey.It is an endangered species & so protected in Nepal.The government has put ban on collection ,uses ,sales and export of cordyceps.

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